Friday, July 31, 2009

Day 5

The stomach bug.

Yes. It's been going around and I caught it.

You know what's really strange...I'm in a log cabin, using an outhouse, surrounded by about 30 people and oddly enough, I felt quite comfortable.

The people here are so wonderful! I've been in good conversations throughout the day. And when the day rains, there really isn't anything much else to do. After sleeping for half the afternoon I felt much better. Everyone's been going through huge adjustments here and when you're given a little TLC and good company you can't get much better than that. You really need to stop to think about what's most important in your life. Is it the new dinning room set? Is it your bedroom set? Is it the marble counter top in your kitchen? Or, indoor plumbing can you say?

Wouldn't you say the most important part of life is being out close net family who love you dearly. Would devote every minute of their day to enjoying each other's company. You can sleep on a futon mattress on the floor, or eat every meal on a 1' high wooden table, or live without carpets or pretty walls. But the one thing you can't live without is love and family and wonderful friends. Ionia, in my eyes is the riches community I've ever come across.

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