Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Alaska Experience

In deciding to create a new career, to establish a resinating dream, I have venuture across the continent to Alaska. It's the land of snow top mountains all year round and midnight sun. It's also the home of a small macrobiotic community called Ionia. Orginated by 4 families, sharing the same beliefs and way living, the community has grown into a 200 acer world of wonderous life. Imagine little house on the prairy back in the 1800's, building log cabins, having to heat their houses with burning wood, bathing outside and using outhouses. Then imagine the most sufisticated little house on the prairy, that's Ionia. They have some of the top of the line applicances for....outhouses, burning heaters, and outdoor barrels to bath in. No exageration, you will find no other place like this in the entire world. Among the families choices to live life as simply as possible, there is an unbelievable bond between each person and child here. Something so very special.

I hope to document my experiences here and share them with all. Funny, exciting, tramatizing...I'll do my best to share it all.

Here's to adventure!

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