Monday, August 3, 2009

Day 8

I love Dirt Bikes and Beer!

Especially when you mix them together. I don't know, I must be out of my mind. But that was the most exhilarating 2mins dirt bike ride ever!

Trying to hit the sack early tonight as tomorrow there's a 7 mile hike....that's more than 3x longer than the last hike so you can imagine my concern.

Other then that, it's just been another good day. Good food, a little hip hop dance, and some umeboshi kuzu to put me to sleep.


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Day 7

....and on the 7th day she began to change the way she sees things.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Day 6

The art of sitting still.
Amazing how us New Yorkers, not only have not conquered this skill, I don't think we even knew it existed. Free time was scheduled during the conference today, and I was at a lost. I managed to find a chair out on the porch and just sit..and watch. That must have lasted 5 minutes before I started fidgeting and went to grab a book to read.

Two great lectures today and a slap of reality.
But no worries, because when all else fails, just go jump on a bunch of trampolines for an hour. It will seem like all your worries and troubles just fly into the air with each jump. Look Ma! I'm a big kid again!

I might not want to leave this place. It's like Disney land in the 1800's. You know it's getting bad when the worst part amount using an outhouse is that you have to put shoes on every time you go outside. What has gotten into me? You also know it's bad when you're excited to wear a pretty pink skirt to dance to folk dances which probably are as outdated as they work when they were popular. But wearing the skirt is fun.

Another movie night, another good night. Going to sleep on my floor now. Adios!